This format is simplified from the traditional enduro format which uses multiple sections that are run in a set order and may be repeated. One to four riders start on a minute and are scored on their overall time in each section. Riders are assigned a start number (minute) and must start each section on their assigned minute. Riders will receive penalty points for starting early or late and for arriving early or late at secret checks along the course. There are no restrictions on time or length of Start Control Enduros, they are typically 50-100 ground miles and have one or more opportunities for fuel. All District 4 Closed Course/Start Control enduros do NOTrequire a headlight or taillight.
From left to right:
Observation Check - White Marker with “O”
Start Control Yellow and White Diagonal marker with “ST”
Secret Check Red & White Diagonal Marker with “S”
Emergency Check Green & White Diagonal Marker with “E”
Known Control Yellow Marker with “K”
⦁ AA Open
⦁ A light 1cc-250cc (ECEA A 250)
⦁ A Open 251cc+ (ECEA A Open)
⦁ A Senior 40+ Open
⦁ A Sup SR 50+ Open
⦁ B light 1cc-250cc (ECEA B 250)
⦁ B Open 251cc+ (ECEA B Open)
⦁ B Senior 40+ Open
⦁ B Sup SR 50+ Open
⦁ C light 1cc-250cc (ECEA C 250)
⦁ C Open 251cc+ (ECEA C Open)
⦁ C Senior 40+ Open
⦁ C Sup SR 50+ Open
⦁ Masters 60+ Open
⦁ Women Open
⦁ Schoolboy 12-16 Open
H. Closed Course Enduro
A closed course enduro follows the rules for enduros with the following exceptions:
1. The course is three or more miles long and is covered two or more times by the rider.
2. No two-way travel by contestants is permitted anywhere on the course.
3. All checks will be timed as secret checks, including the final check of each lap.
4. All checks must be at least one mile apart. Checkers remain in the same position for each lap.
5. To avoid an abundance of tie scores, the schedule set by the organizer should be maintainable only by the best riders.
6. Ties are broken with an emergency check (see enduro rules for definition). One of the checks must be designated as an emergency check for the first lap only.